
No regular national tracer studies


No regular national tracer studies

Latest national study: National Graduates Survey (NGS)

Sample survey with a cross-sectional design; response rate 49%; telephone interviews

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No regular national tracer studies


No regular national tracer studies

Costa Rica

Regular national tracer studies of public institutions by CONARE

Diana Arce and Lorena Kikut: Estudio de Seguimiento a personas graduadas en el período 2003-2010 de diez programas de posgrado de las cuatro universidades públicas (CONARE). Presentation at the Seminar "Tracer Studies in Central America: Findings and their relevance for University Strategies and Curriculum Development". San José, Costa Rica, February 28, 2013. (download).

El Salvadore

No regular national tracer studies


No regular national tracer studies

Eduardo M. Alvarez and Harry Debroy: The experience of Graduates Tracer Studies at Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (UVG): Design, Implementation and Dissemination of the Results. Presentation at the Seminar "Tracer Studies in Central America: Findings and their relevance for University Strategies and Curriculum Development". San José, Costa Rica, February 28, 2013. (download)


No regular national tracer studies

Jean O’dell Rivera de Anckle: Las buenas prácticas para la mejora continua de la calidad en la educación superior. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras – UNAH. Presentation at the Seminar "Tracer Studies in Central America: Findings and their relevance for University Strategies and Curriculum Development". San José, Costa Rica, February 28, 2013. (download)


No regular national tracer studies


No regular national tracer studies

Priscila González (Universidad Americana): Incidencias del estudio de seguimiento de graduados en el diseño curricular de la carrera de Ingeniería en Sistemas. Presentation at the Seminar "Tracer Studies in Central America: Findings and their relevance for University Strategies and Curriculum Development". San José, Costa Rica, February 28, 2013. (download)

Raul I. Ruiz and Manuel Rivera: Tracer Study of Graduates from the Faculty of Humanities and Law and Faculty of Education Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua-Managua (UNAN-Managua). Presentation at the International Conference "Experiences with Link and Match in Higher Education. Results of Tracer Studies Worldwide (EXLIMA)". Bali, Indonesia, October 22 - 23 2012. (download).

Raúl Ruiz Carrión and Manuel Rivera Ramírez: Tracer Studies for University Developments – the case of UNAN-Managua, Nicaragua. Presentation at the Seminar "Tracer Studies in Central America: Findings and their relevance for University Strategies and Curriculum Development". San José, Costa Rica, February 28, 2013. (download).

Raúl Ruiz Carrión: Estudio de seguimiento de egresados y empleadores de formacion inicial docente de educacion primaria o basica de Nicaragua, 2002-2006. Presentation (download).



No regular national tracer studies


Many tracer studies in different settings

 Cabrera, Albert F.; Weerts, David R. and Zulick, Bradford J.: Making an Impact with Alumni Surveys. In: Weerts, David, J. and Vidal, Javier (eds.): Enhancing Alumni Research. European and American Perspectives. San Francisco: Jossey Bass 2005 (New Directions for Institutional Research, 126). 5-16.

Ewell, Peter T.: Alumni Studies as Instruments of Public Policy: The U.S. Experience. In: Weerts, David, J. and Vidal, Javier (eds.): Enhancing Alumni Research. European and American Perspectives. San Francisco: Jossey Bass 2005 (New Directions for Institutional Research, 126), 19-29.

National panel study: Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B)

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